If you want to get yourself a new set of wheels, you may want to get as much money as possible by selling your old car. Following the right approach is the key to selling your car at a good price. Nevertheless, many car sellers end up selling their cars for a lot less because of a few mistakes they could have easily avoided. Understanding these mistakes will put you in a better position to sell your car at the best price possible:
Skipping the Wash
An unclean car can stop a potential buyer from seeing the actual condition of your car. A car that looks good and smells good makes the ride all the more enticing. It also shows how well you have taken care of your car. So do a thorough vacuum and make sure your car is all clean and shiny. For better effects, you can even think of applying a glossy new coat of wax.
Heading Straight to the Dealer
Many car sellers find it easiest to trade in their car at a car dealer. This will only give you the least amount of money for your car. Instead list your car on the many car trading websites to get better offers on your car. Even if you have to rent a car for a few days till you buy your new car, you can still save a lot of money.
Using the Wrong Price
Your car might seem very worthy and valuable to you; but there is no rule that your car buyers should feel the same way. Not pricing your car correctly can make you lose a lot of time, while selling your car. Ask around, check a few websites and determine the fair market value of your car, keeping in mind its condition, the options of your car, and your zip code.
Forgetting the Paperwork
Not getting your paperwork together is the worst mistake you can make while selling your car. In fact even before listing your car, you should have your title and two copies of bill of sale ready with you. If possible get an inspection report for your car to close the deal faster.
Taking a Check
If you are selling your car privately, it may not be a good idea to accept a cashier check or even a personal check. It might seem like a quick sale; but it can’t be free from frauds and forgery. Taking cash is the best option. In case you find it uncomfortable to drive around with all that cash, ask your buyer to meet you at your bank before you finalize the sale.
Be as honest as possible with the potential car buyers while selling your car. At the same time also make sure you take all the precautions necessary to make the sale legal and valid. Ask around and do a bit of research to understand what you are getting into.
If selling your car is a way to meet a financial emergency you may need the cash urgently. ECarsCash is a good place to get in touch with if you are in such a situation. As a certified and trusted used car dealer, they buy your car at an excellent price and give you instant cash, relieving you of your financial troubles.