Everyone loves to save money. From getting a deal of a new blouse at the store to using a coupon to get a cheaper price for your car’s oil change, saving even $5 on everyday expenses can be an important way for people to make ends meet. Despite even our best efforts, you may still find yourself looking in the couch for extra change or perhaps looking for additional employment opportunities. Sometimes the best way to save money are right in front of our noses! Having a plan for a trip, or even just googling something like “things to do in South Carolina” can save you money simply by having a plan. Here are some ways to save a few bucks for the rent or for a future rainy day.

High-tech ways to save

Thanks to the rise in technology, you can pay off that new phone you just bought with one of many new money saving apps. Some of these money making apps that can be downloaded on your phone, use your lock screen as ad space and in return, you are rewarded with a few bucks every month. For example when you swipe your lock screen, the app retrieves the information and you get points. A certain amount of these points add up to a dollar and once you accumulated enough they can be transferred to a gift card, a charity, or a paypal account.

It may not pay the rent, but for those who use their phones quite a bit, that extra money can pay off your monthly Netflix account. These apps help you save as you spend at your local grocery store retailer by sending you a check in the mail with your savings. Your favorite department store retailer may have an app that helps you “clip” coupons that you can use in the store or online.

Besides money making apps, most banks offer saving options for your accounts. You can round to the nearest dollar and the change is placed in another account for accumulation. Some banks work with outside companies that accomplish the same thing. There are also personal finance apps that can help you save and even invest your money to earn interest over the long term.

Part time ways to make more

If you are looking to make a few extra bucks after your full time day job, there are a few moonlighting options. Freelancing for a writing service is a great way to help out a busy college student or writing agency. Depending on the subject of the article, length, and (if for a student) level of your client’s education, you make a specific and designated amount, usually based on word count. You can also help someone out who can’t create an eye-catching resume by becoming a freelance resume writer. Another option to make some extra cash is using your own car as a personal taxi service. Turning your own car into a professional driving service is an increasingly common way for people to earn money. By doing so, you can be your own boss, with the freedom to work from home or take on the routes you want by checking out the app attached to the service.

Cyber deals

The weekend of Thanksgiving is the time to warm up those credit cards for incredible deals. In November 2005 Cyber Monday began, opening up a way for people to stay home and get the same great deals on the internet. For those traveling and happen to miss out on those long lines at the stores, Cyber Monday lets you, as a consumer, save a bundle of money on gifts and items you may need. Since it began, people have saved over $100 million more every year on merchandise such as televisions and video games. Millions of people use their devices on this single day hoping to score the best bang for their buck. Paired with the lure of free shipping, Cyber Monday has joined Black Friday in being one of the most lucrative days of the year.

There are a variety of ways to get the money you need, whether by applying for payday loans online or a regular freelancing gig. It’s time to put thought to action!