The pituitary gland, where growth hormone is produced, is a small gland slightly larger than a lentil, located at the base of the brain, housed in a bone cavity that protects it just on the roof of the nose. This kind of “bed” of the pituitary called the sella turcica, has just enough room for a normal gland. Growth hormone, also called somatotropin, is a naturally synthesized hormone. It allows us to grow, develop our bones and muscles. It is stored and secreted in the brain by the pituitary gland. This gland secretes and controls hormones.
The growth hormone is scientifically called somatotropin (or somatropin). Sometimes it is also called GH (for growth hormone). Somatotropin is a polypeptide hormone encoded by a gene carried by chromosome 17.
Regulation of Human Growth Hormone.
Somatotropin is secreted by endocrine cells, somatotropes. They are located in a particular structure of the brain, the adenohypophysis that corresponds to the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Its secretion is pulsatile and does not continue, leading to a blood concentration of the hormone that varies according to the time of day. Its secretion is regulated by sleep, food, stress, age, or even sex. In general, children synthesize more somatotropin daily than adults.
Human somatotropic hormone (GH) belongs to a family of polypeptide hormones that includes prolactin and placental lactogenic hormone (PL); These hormones are considered to be derived, by duplication, from a common ancestral gene due to the homology of their sequences and those of the complementary DNA of their messengers.
HGH for sale was isolated about 30 years ago. Recently, important advances have been made in the knowledge of the regulation of its secretion, its receptor, its transport proteins and the mechanisms of its action at the metabolic and tissue level.
GH-producing cells, or somatotropic cells, are abundant since they represent 35 to 45% of pituitary cells and are found mainly in the lateral fins. They contain round or oval secretory granules 350 to 500 nm in diameter and are revealed in immunocytochemistry by antibodies that specifically recognize the human hormone. The amount of GH contained in the pituitary gland represents 1/10 of the dry weight of the gland or 2 to 3 mg.
If the gland secretes this hormone normally at an early age, growth hormone deficiency may be related to a brain tumor. These tumors are usually found at the site of the pituitary gland or in the neighboring region of the hypothalamus.
Children who have dimples on the lips and/or palate are at increased risk of developing growth hormone deficiency because the pituitary glands are likely underdeveloped. In children as well as adults, severe traumatic brain injury, infection, or radiation therapy can also cause growth hormone deficiency (this is known as acquired growth hormone deficiency).
The doctor will look for symptoms of growth hormone deficiency if your child is below normal height and weight. If there is a possibility of growth hormone deficiency, the doctor will often ask parents about the growth rate of other children in the family. Parents can be asked questions about their own growth rate as they approach puberty. If growth hormone deficiency is suspected, various tests can confirm the diagnosis.
Blood tests can help measure the concentration of growth hormone in the body. However, a blood test that shows a level below normal is not enough evidence to make a diagnosis. In fact, the concentration of growth hormone in the body can change dramatically during the day or night.
You can also do a thyroid and kidney function test to see how the body makes and uses hormones. A hand radiograph will indicate whether the growth plates have fused, indicating the stage of bone growth. If a tumor or injury to the pituitary gland is suspected, an MRI will be used to look inside the brain. This will help doctors determine if the pituitary gland disorder was present at birth or is related to trauma or tumor.
Since the mid-1980s, synthetic growth hormones have been used successfully to treat children and adults. (Previously, growth hormone was taken from corpses.) The growth hormone is given by injection, most often into fatty tissue such as the arms, thighs or buttocks. It is best to administer it daily.