When you or a loved one has experienced what you believe to be malpractice, you may be asking yourself what kind of lawyer you need. You may be hurt, upset, and feel betrayed by someone you trusted with your health or the health of a family member. Depending on the extent of the injuries caused, you may feel your life is in limbo for a long time. If the injury led to death or permanent disability, it’s something you’ll never be able to get away from.

You may feel you deserve compensation for the pain and suffering caused. You may also want to punish the health care professional or facility that caused your suffering. It’s normal to feel this way. It’s normal to be angry and to want the people responsible to acknowledge their mistake, negligence, or overall disregard for safety. Often, the only way to accomplish that is through a lawsuit.

Some people feel that they shouldn’t pursue legal options because they don’t want others to think badly of them. However, nothing is wrong or inappropriate about holding people responsible for their mistakes. Nothing is wrong with expecting other people to compensate you for the financial harm they caused, including medical bills, lost wages, disability, and more.

Howard Fensterman is a prominent lawyer in the New York area with years of experience specializing in health care malpractice. He is well-versed in the laws affecting medical malpractice and healthcare. He can review your case and everything that happened to you and provide honest feedback on whether you were the victim of malpractice and what your chances are seeking compensation.

He has a high level of compassion for the victims, which has enabled him to keep their concerns and fears at the heart of the work he does. Staying focused on his mission as a lawyer makes him one of the best options for those feeling as if they have nowhere else to turn. He will do his best to provide closure for the victim and their families allowing them to feel acknowledged for the pain that they suffered.

Laws regulating an individual’s ability to sue vary by state, so it’s essential to choose a lawyer with ample experience in your state. Fensterman has been operating in New York for many years and is highly experienced and knowledgeable on what is allowed and acceptable. He understands how the system works in New York; not simply what it says on paper.

Fensterman also knows what to fight for and what he can realistically get for his clients. This knowledge gives him a definite advantage when going up against insurance companies and medical groups.

If you’re injured, you may be contacted by the insurance company of the health care professional or group responsible for the injury. The insurance representative may present themselves as caring and concerned about you. They may express a desire to understand better what happened from your perspective. While they may seem helpful, they’re not looking out for you, and anything you say can be documented and used against you in a lawsuit.

If you’re injured or contacted by an insurance company like that, it’s best to get representation right away if you don’t already have it. Once you have representation, if anyone calls, you can tell them they’ll need to talk to your lawyer from that point forward. Doing this will prevent you from being hounded by phone calls daily.

Letting your lawyer do the work will give you the space you need to heal from everything that happened and to find peace with what happened. Regardless of how the lawsuit turns out, you will need to be at peace with the result to move forward with your life.